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Learning about your type
Type 1
Type 1 diabetes is an auto immune condition affecting the pancreas – the part of the body that produces an essential hormone called insulin. Without insulin, the body cannot regulate blood glucose levels the glucose builds up in the blood (hyperglycaemia). Our cells all rely on this glucose for energy, and insulin acts like a key to open the cell and let the glucose in.
People with type 1 diabetes rely on insulin injections or pumps to maintain their blood glucose levels. It usually develops in children and young adults, although it can happen at any age. It is diagnosed through blood tests in hospital, or at the GP if symptoms are identified early enough.
There is no prevention for type 1 diabetes but it can be managed by:
- Injecting insulin (multiple daily injections or pump)
- Measuring blood glucose levels (finger pricking or wearable Continuous Glucose Monitors)
- Diabetes self-management support from your diabetes team – this may include your GP, diabetes educator, dietician, podiatrist, exercise physiologist, pharmacist or endocrinologist.
- Following a healthy lifestyle

If you have been diagnosed with type 1 diabetes, you can be registered with the NDSS for access to information and support services, as well as diabetes related products at subsidised prices.
Diabetes WA can support you to self-manage your diabetes:
- Book an appointment with a credentialled diabetes educator or dietitian
- Call the Diabetes WA Helpline for information and support on 1300 001 880
- Read more about what is type 1 diabetes
- Register with the NDSS
- Attend a diabetes self-management program
- Participate in the Type 1 Kids Camp