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Learning about Your Type
Type 2
Type 2 diabetes is a chronic condition (starting with pre-diabetes) that develops over time impacting the body’s ability to use glucose for energy. Our body requires an essential hormone called insulin to work like a key to allow our body to use glucose from our bloodstream for energy.
With type 2 diabetes, the body becomes resistant to insulin, as well as not being able to produce enough, meaning the body is not able to use this glucose. This results in high glucose levels in the blood. This is a progressive condition, and the glucose levels can change over time.
Management of type 2 diabetes can vary person to person. This can include:
- Taking medications (this may include injectable medications or insulin)
- Measuring blood glucose levels
- Diabetes self-management support from your diabetes team – This may include your GP, diabetes educator, dietician, podiatrist, exercise physiologist, pharmacist or endocrinologist.
- Following a healthy lifestyle – this may include dietary adjustments and physical activity.

There are a number of risk factors that may increase the risk of developing type 2 diabetes. Some of these are things we can change, while some others we cannot including our genetics, family history and age. For more information on reducing your risk, symptoms of type 2 diabetes, or to check your personal risk for developing type 2 diabetes, visit the AUSDRISK Tool.
Being diagnosed with type 2 diabetes can be an overwhelming experience, however there is support available to you to help answer your questions, and to help you manage it. You can be registered with the NDSS for access to information and support services, as well as diabetes related products at subsidised prices.
Diabetes WA can support you to self-manage your diabetes through the following ways:
- Book an appointment with a credentialled diabetes educator or dietitian
- Call the Diabetes WA Helpline for information and support on 1300 001 880
- Read more about what is type 2 diabetes
- Register with the NDSS
- Attend a diabetes self-management program