Home > Living with DIABETES > Aboriginal Health
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples
Kaya Moorditj mob.
Welcome to our Diabetes WA Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health page. On this page you can find information and resources that are culturally appropriate for our mob and community.
Below are the education programs and services for our community:
- DESY: Diabetes Education and Self-Management Yarning (Community Workshop). Email us to enquire about a session near you aboriginalhealth@diabeteswa.com.au
- Diabetes Yarning: The Diabetes Yarning program, developed by Diabetes Queensland, encourages yarning about diabetes within Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities. Covering eight comprehensive topics, it aims to enhance understanding, management, and prevention of diabetes. Delivered by two facilitators, sessions are free under NDSS funding. Training for Health Professionals is also available. Contact aboriginalhealth@diabeteswa.com.au to enquire about a session.
- Yarning Session: community diabetes information session. Email us to enquire about a session near you aboriginalhealth@diabeteswa.com.au
- Facebook Group: this group is for community members at risk or diagnosed with diabetes. You can join here.
- Events: if you are hosting a community event, the Diabetes WA Aboriginal Health Team would love to help, share our resources and have a yarn about diabetes with you and your community. These events can include NAIDOC, school events, family fun days and other community events. Email us at aboriginalhealth@diabeteswa.com.au

Below are some of our popular resources for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. Some of these can be printed and downloaded from the website while others can be purchased from Diabetes WA. For more information, please contact aboriginalhealth@diabeteswa.com.au
List of resources available from the Diabetes WA Shop:
Health Professionals
Diabetes WA offers support and training to Aboriginal health staff and other health professionals that have Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander clients.
- Feltman Training OR Feltman® and Feltmum® are diabetes education tools that provide upskilling and professional development for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health workers, health professionals, registered nurses, allied health workers and those working with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities and clients. These tools were developed by the Victorian Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Organisation (VACCHO) and Diabetes Victoria. The NDSS funds the national rollout of Feltman® and Feltmum® training. Diabetes WA trains and mentors Aboriginal Health Workers across the state, if you are a health professional and would be interested in this training please get in touch with training@diabeteswa.com.au for more information.
Clinical Services: Diabetes WA are able to provide clinical diabetes education services for Aboriginal health organisations both in Perth Metropolitain and across Western Australia both in-person and virtually. To inquire, please email clinic@diabeteswa.com.au or call (08) 0436 6279.
- The NDSS provides diabetes e-learning courses for health professionals which provide you with the knowledge and confidence to treat your Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander patients.
- For more information contact the Diabetes WA Helpline on 1300 001 880.